【同义词辨析】 2019-01-29 感觉sensation-feeling

sensation: may center attention on the fact of perception through or as if through the sense organs, with or without comprehension: felt a tingling ~; but often suggests not only recognition but also intellectual and emotional reactions: bothered by the ~ that he was being ignored. perceive感知to become aware。既可以表示一般感知,也可以表示洞察即敏锐深入感知with penetration, insight,都有使知道的含义,如perceived the rock to be made of granite注意到(感知)岩石是花岗岩,was able to perceive the danger of their situation能感到境遇危险)      tingle刺痛、激动

sense: may differ little from sensation: as the fire burned lower a ~ of chill crept over them; or it may be applied specifically to any one of the basic perceptive powers: the ~ of smell; but in its typical application to the power or act of responding to stimuli it tends to stress intellectual awareness and full consciousness: a ~ of frustration.  (aware和conscious都是意识到,20170801意识aware解释过,aware表示敏锐警觉的意识到,conscious只是表示大脑能接受到感觉器官,不强调警觉)

feeling: may apply to sensations such as touch, heat, cold, or pressure that are perceived through the skin: so cold she had no ~ in her fingers; or to a complex response to stimulation involving sensation, emotion, and a degree of thought: had a vague ~ of unease; or to the power to respond: a sentient, ~ being

sensibility: often replaces feeling in this last use, especially when a keenly impressionable nature is to be implied: a creature of gentle nature and great ~; or excessive or affected responsiveness: made a great show of effete ~ies. (affectation做作矫情不真诚不自然: implies speech or behavior that is not natural or sincere,如his foreign accent is an affectation他的外国口音只是装腔作势)

sensation感觉: 表示通过感觉器官感知到,但经常也表示心理情感上的反应,sense感觉: 可以和sensation同意表示感觉,或特指5种基本感觉,但通常表示完全意识到,feeling感觉: 表示皮肤的感觉如冷热触压,或复杂的反应如感觉情感思考,或反应的能力,sensibility感性: 常和feeling最后一个意思相同,表示有敏锐反应能力,或表示过度不自然的反应。

记忆方法: 1)首字母SSFS想成顺风顺水<==好感觉

        2)感觉的意思是是对刺激的反应mean the power to respond or the act of responding to stimuli.